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Xero Migration Guide

Upgrading to 1.0.0

The authentication schema is now using access_token instead of Oauth 2.0. Visit the Xero documentation - for more detailed information about how to get access token. Optionally, you may get your access_token via Postman:

  • Move to Authorization tab of an empty http request and selected Oauth 2.0
  • Set use token type as access token
  • Set header prefix as Bearer
  • Set grant type as Authorization code
  • Check Authorize using browser
  • Set Auth URL as
  • Set Access token URL as
  • Set Client ID, Client secret, Scope defined as your Xero settings
  • Set state as any number Eg: 123
  • Set Client Authentication as Send as Basic Auth Header Click Get New Access Token for retrieving access token

Then authorize your source with access_token.

  1. Go to set up The Source page.
  2. Enter your Xero application's access token.
  3. Click Reset saved source button.

As Xero API now only supports date-precision, instead of second precision filtering through If-Modified-Since header, reads are now streamlined to incremental through client side.

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